"Through all the tumult and the strife
I hear the music ringing;
It finds an echo in my soul —
How can I keep from singing?”

Old Quaker Hymn, Robert Wadsworth Lowry

The Chorale cancelled our Spring “Songs of Nature” concerts due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We look forward to being able to rehearse and perform again as soon as conditions allow.

The Chorale continues to be grateful to our families, friends, audiences, and donors for support and understanding. We wish everyone health, safety, and community during this international crisis.

While we can’t perform for you in person, click on the album cover below to hear us in recordings from our CD “I Have Had Singing”.


Music can provide much-needed inspiration in times of trouble. Watch
and the space below for periodic links and pointers to music that has moved us during these challenging times.
Stay home, be safe, and listen to good music!

The Chorale is actively seeking
high school Apprentice singers!
Contact Music Director Fred Graham
for further information.

The mission of the Sangre de Cristo Chorale is to entertain, educate, unite, and inspire singers and audiences by performing quality choral music.