
I Have Had Singing

by Sangre de Cristo Chorale

Sheldon Kalberg, Director
Cindy Little, Accompanist

In 1999 the Chorale recorded its second CD, "I Have Had Singing". The recording features short gems of the choral repertoire: madrigals, folksongs, spirituals, and other short pieces by favorite composers.

The CD takes its title from one of its most vivid pieces, written by contemporary composer Steven Sametz. The lyrics are based on Ronald Blythe’s 1969 book, "Akenfield, Portrait of an English Village”. The book interviews English country laborers in the early 20th century — blacksmiths, farmers, gravediggers, and the like — Blythe was startled by the harshness and beauty of their lives:

The singing.
There was so much singing then
And this was my pleasure, too.
We all sang, the boys in the field,
The chapels were full of singing,
Always singing.
Here I lie:
I have had pleasure enough;
I have had singing.