Ray Gere


Ray Gere, Bass, joined the Chorale at the start of the 2023-24 Season, and also serves on its Board of Directors.  He began singing in high school in Albuquerque.  Throughout college, law school, seminary, and various careers, he sang in numerous church choirs, local musical theaters. and civic choruses.  Moving to Santa Fe in 1996, his avocation became the theater, where he performed in over 60 productions with the SF Playhouse, Teatro Paraguas, and the Arden Players.  He sang in many of these performances – notably in various classic Hispanic plays, Holiday specials, the annual Santa Fe melodramas (often type cast as the Villain), and in a number of Shakespeare productions that incorporated Elizabethan period music.  He also currently sings with the SF Men’s Camerata and the Church of the Holy Faith choir.  He has been married to Elaine for over 50 years – a successful marriage in part because she can activate her noise cancelling earbuds whenever he practices at home.