"Through all the tumult and the strife
I hear the music ringing;
It finds an echo in my soul —
How can I keep from singing?”

Old Quaker Hymn, Robert Wadsworth Lowry

As Covid-19 continues to prevent us from rehearsing and performing in person, the Chorale is grateful to our families, friends, audiences, and donors for support and understanding. We wish everyone health, safety, and community during the continuing international pandemic.

During Covid-19 restrictions, we'll be sending brief biweekly email messages with links to Singer Sidebars, very short videos (usually two minutes or so) that introduce you to some of our singers, virtual performances, and more. Those videos will also be posted here on our homepage.

Click here to sign up for the Chorale's email list. You'll automatically get the latest news about the group's performances and other activities. (And you'll save us money on postage, which we appreciate!)

Singer Sidebar

Music appreciation and performance often runs in families. The Bach and Beethoven families are just two famous examples, but I'm sure you know of many more among your own acquaintances. Throughout its history, Sangre de Cristo Chorale has seen singing parents introduce their children to the group, but in at least one case, the influence ran the other direction.

Randy and Laura Erickson had known and enjoyed the Chorale for several years before daughter Rachel became an apprentice with the group. At that point, the parents decided to audition and make choral singing a family affair!

To share the Ericksons’ experiences of singing in Sangre de Cristo Chorale click on the photo below. In the background you'll enjoy Rachel's solo in Elizabeth Poston's arrangement of “Jesus Christ the Apple Tree," as performed by Sangre de Cristo Chorale in December 2003 under the direction of Mary Badarak.


To hear more of the Chorale while we can’t perform for you in person, click on the video composite below to hear our Virtual Performance of Gwyneth Walker's "How Can I Keep from Singing?".


Music can provide much-needed inspiration in times of trouble. Watch https://www.facebook.com/sdcchorale/
and the space below for periodic links and pointers to music and music stories
that have moved us during these challenging times.
Be safe and listen to good music!

The Chorale is actively seeking
high school Apprentice singers!
Contact Music Director Fred Graham
for further information.

The mission of the Sangre de Cristo Chorale is to entertain, educate, unite, and inspire singers and audiences by performing quality choral music.