The Sangre de Cristo Chorale is singing again!

Our group values great singing, hard work, a supportive rehearsal and performance climate, a diversity of voices, and fun! We invite you to sing with us in our upcoming 44th season. Information about concerts, auditions, and our first rehearsal of the season follow below.


Upcoming Season Schedule

  • A Winter Day (Saturday and Sunday, December 4-5, 4:00PM) will premiere “The End and The Beginning," a work by Katie Kring commissioned by the Chorale, and will collaborate with cellist Dana Winograd on a major work by Canadian composer Sarah Quartel.

  • A Shakespeare Sampler (Saturday and Sunday, February 19-20, 4:00PM) will present a concert of settings of Shakespeare, including Matthew Harris’s beloved "Shakespeare Songs."

  • Songs of Nature (Saturday, May 7, 4:00PM) will feature flutist Bonnie Schmader in a concert linking music with sounds of nature, including works of Craig Hella Johnson, Jocelyn Hagen, and Judith Cloud.



We are always interested in new singers wishing to join our ranks. For information and to express interest in auditioning, please contact Music Director Fred Graham at

The Sangre de Cristo Chorale singing at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Denver, October 2019.

Introducing the Composer of Our Latest Commissioned Work

Katie Kring (b. 1983) is a composer, lyricist, bookwriter, arranger, performer, stage manager, and boulanger based in Springfield, Missouri. Her musical theatre and choral works and commissions are performed internationally. Katie was commissioned by the Chorale to compose the music and lyrics for "The End and the Beginning" during the Covid-19 pandemic. The piece beautifully acknowledges the losses the pandemic has created for all humankind, while evoking hope for recovery and rebirth as we go forward.

Singer Sidebar

When you direct school or college choirs, you have a completely new group of singers every one to four years. That's constantly refreshing and challenging for a director; just when you feel you've created a true ensemble, the group's composition changes dramatically. By contrast, with community choruses like Sangre de Cristo Chorale, it's common to have many singers who've sung with the group for decades. Having a core of long-term members is wonderful, because it allows a music director to select repertoire that both suits and stretches the group artistically.

However, even groups like Sangre de Cristo Chorale benefit from personnel changes, as new singers contribute not just their voices but also their enthusiasm for choral singing. Among our new singers this year is soprano Angelique Reagan, a former student of Music Director Fred Graham's at New Mexico School for the Arts.

Fred interviewed Angelique before last night's rehearsal, which accounts for her face mask. We wish we all could see fellow singers' faces, especially because we communicate with our entire face. We eagerly look forward to the day when we can sing free of face coverings!

Click here or the image below to hear our one-minute interview in which Angelique talked about her musical passions and career goals.


Previous Singer Sidebars, Virtual Concerts, and Musical Works in Progress are available here


To hear the Chorale until we can perform for you in person, click on the video composite below to hear our Virtual Performance of Gwyneth Walker's "How Can I Keep from Singing?"


The Chorale is actively seeking
high school Apprentice singers!
Contact Music Director Fred Graham
for further information.

The mission of the Sangre de Cristo Chorale is to entertain, educate, unite, and inspire singers and audiences by performing quality choral music.