Sangre de Cristo Chorale Fall 2022 Scores and Practice Recordings
Pieces are now in program order, and scores continue to be available as links from each title.
In addition to the YouTube and other web links, each piece involving the whole Chorale is now accompanied by an audio MP3 file that can be played from this page or downloaded and played on a computer, phone, or pad/tablet. A set of compressed ZIP files containing all the MP3 files is available at the bottom of the page. You can download and decompress the ZIP files then load them as a playlist in your favorite music player (Apple Music, Google Play Music, etc.). Please email Chris Wood at if you have any questions or difficulties, or notice any errors.
Click HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE to download compressed ZIP files of all the MP3 files above, three MP3 files per link. Four separate links are required because of space quotas imposed by our web hosting service.